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  • Front cover for Los héroes gemelos y la magia de la canción by David Bowles and Charlene Bowles
      Los héroes gemelos y la magia de la canción
      (Leyendas de la serpiente emplumada #2)
      By David Bowles, Charlene Bowles
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      Los héroes gemelos y la magia de la canción

      Los héroes gemelos y la magia de la canción

      (Leyendas de la serpiente emplumada #2)
      By David Bowles, Charlene Bowles
      En esta novela gráfica que reinventa un cuento indígena mexicano, los gemelos semidioses usan la magia de la canción para rescatar a su padre y a su tío de la peligrosa tierra de los muertos. Una aventura suprema de grado medio!

      In this graphic novel retelling of an Indigenous Mexican tale, demigod twins must use their magic of song to rescue their father and uncle from the perilous Land of the Dead. A supreme middle-grade adventure!

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    • Front cover for The Hero Twins and the Magic of Song by David Bowles; David Bowles
        The Hero Twins and the Magic of Song
        (Tales of the Feathered Serpent #2)
        By David Bowles, Charlene Bowles
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        The Hero Twins and the Magic of Song

        The Hero Twins and the Magic of Song

        (Tales of the Feathered Serpent #2)
        By David Bowles, Charlene Bowles
        In this graphic novel retelling of an Indigenous Mexican tale, demigod twins must use their magic of song to rescue their father and uncle from the perilous Land of the Dead. A supreme middle-grade adventure!

        Purchase from your local independent bookstore or the online retailers listed below:

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      • Semillas de cambio
        Sembrando un camino hacia la paz (Seeds of Change: Planting a Path to Peace)
        By Jen Cullerton Johnson, Sonia Lynn Sadler
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        Semillas de cambio

        Semillas de cambio

        Sembrando un camino hacia la paz (Seeds of Change: Planting a Path to Peace)
        By Jen Cullerton Johnson, Sonia Lynn Sadler
        Una biografía ilustrada de la científica Wangari Maathai, la primera mujer africana (y la primera ambientalista) en ganar el Premio Nobel de la Paz por su trabajo sembrando árboles en su Kenia natal.

        A picture book biography of scientist Wangari Maathai, the first African woman--and first environmentalist--to win a Nobel Peace Prize for her work planting trees in her native Kenya.

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      • The Home We Make
        By Maham Khwaja, Daby Zainab Faidhi
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        The Home We Make

        The Home We Make

        By Maham Khwaja, Daby Zainab Faidhi
        A moving story about a young girl and her family who are forced to flee their beloved home after violence erupts all around them, and their journey to make a new sense of home.

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      • Front cover for Roses for Isabella by Diana Cohn and Amy Córdova Boone
          Roses for Isabella
          By Diana Cohn, Amy Córdova Boone
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          Roses for Isabella

          Roses for Isabella

          By Diana Cohn, Amy Córdova Boone
          Stop and smell the roses of Ecuador with Isabella as she learns how treating farmworkers and Mother Earth fairly makes the world bloom! Tambien disponible en español.

          Pre-order from your local independent bookstore or the online retailers listed below:

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        • Julieta y el enigma del diamante
          (Julieta and the Diamond Enigma)
          By Luisana Duarte Armendáriz
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          Julieta y el enigma del diamante

          Julieta y el enigma del diamante

          (Julieta and the Diamond Enigma)
          By Luisana Duarte Armendáriz
          From the Mixed up Files of Mrs. Basil E. Frankweiler se encuentran con Merci Suarez en esta inteligente novela de misterio de grado medio sobre un diamante que desapareció del Louvre, y la dulce y valiente chica que resuelve el caso.

          From the Mixed-Up Files of Mrs. Basil E. Frankweiler meets Merci Suarez in this smart young middle-grade mystery about a diamond gone missing from the Louvre and the sweet and spunky girl who cracks the case.

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        • Front cover for The Reel Wish by Yamile Saied Méndez
            The Reel Wish
            By Yamile Saied Méndez
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            The Reel Wish

            The Reel Wish

            By Yamile Saied Méndez
            After a panic attack prevents Florencia from performing as Clara in The Nutcracker and her best friend takes the lead, a new dance style helps her face her anxiety as well as a troubled friendship.

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          • Front cover for El deseo de mi corazón by Yamile Saied Méndez
              El deseo de mi corazón
              By Yamile Saied Méndez
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              El deseo de mi corazón

              El deseo de mi corazón

              By Yamile Saied Méndez
              Cuando un ataque de panico impide que Florencia actúe como Clara en El Cascanueces y su mejor amiga actúa como Clara en lugar de ella, un nuevo estilo de baile la ayuda a enfrentar su ansiedad y una amistad problemática.

              After a panic attack prevents Florencia from performing as Clara in The Nutcracker and her best friends takes the lead, a new dance style helps her face her anxiety as well as a troubled friendship.

              Pre-order from your local independent bookstore or the online retailers listed below:

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            • Front cover for Rosas para Isabella by Diana Cohn; Claudia Oemer and Amy Córdova Boone
                Rosas para Isabella
                (Roses for Isabella)
                By Diana Cohn, Amy Córdova Boone, Claudia Oemer
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                Rosas para Isabella

                Rosas para Isabella

                (Roses for Isabella)
                By Diana Cohn, Amy Córdova Boone, Claudia Oemer
                ¡Detente y huele las rosas del Ecuador con Isabella, mientras ella aprende cómo tratar a los trabajadores agrícolas y a la Madre Tierra de una manera justa hace que el mundo florezca! Also available in English.

                Stop and smell the roses of Ecuador with Isabella as she learns how treating farmworkers and Mother Earth fairly makes the world bloom!

                Pre-order from your local independent bookstore or the online retailers listed below:

                Bookshop Barnes & Noble Amazon

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              • Front cover for Flying in Colors by Padma Prasad Reddeppa and Jenny Miriam
                  Flying in Colors
                  By Padma Prasad Reddeppa
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                  Flying in Colors

                  Flying in Colors

                  By Padma Prasad Reddeppa
                  Aunties tell nine-year-old Pavi that she's asking too many "big women" questions, but she's tired of grown-up secrets. How are babies born? And why do people die? A beautiful debut about family, tradition, and the healing that comes from finding the answers.

                  Pre-order from your local independent bookstore or the online retailers listed below:

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                • A Two-Placed Heart
                  By Doan Phuong Nguyen
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                  A Two-Placed Heart

                  A Two-Placed Heart

                  By Doan Phuong Nguyen
                  Afraid her sister (and maybe even herself) could lose sight of their Vietnamese identity, twelve-year-old Bom writes a poetic memoir to help them both remember--a love letter in verse to sisterhood and the places we leave behind.

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                • Treinta me habla de amor
                  By Alessandra Narváez Varela
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                  Treinta me habla de amor

                  Treinta me habla de amor

                  By Alessandra Narváez Varela
                  Una niña de 13 años en Ciudad Juárez, México recibe la visita de una versión futura de ella misma de 30 años en esta novela poderosa para adultos jóvenes en verso sobre cómo manejar la depresión.

                  A 13-year-old girl growing up in Mexico is visited by her 30-year-old future self in this powerful YA novel in verse about handling depression.

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                • Mercedes Sosa
                  Voice of the People
                  By Aixa Pérez-Prado
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                  Mercedes Sosa

                  Mercedes Sosa

                  Voice of the People
                  By Aixa Pérez-Prado
                  A stirring picture book biography of one of Latin America's most beloved singers and human rights advocates, Mercedes Sosa.

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                • Mercedes Sosa
                  La voz del pueblo
                  By Aixa Pérez-Prado
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                  Mercedes Sosa

                  Mercedes Sosa

                  La voz del pueblo
                  By Aixa Pérez-Prado
                  Una conmovedora biografía ilustrada de una de las cantantes y defensoras de derechos humanos más queridas de América Latina, Mercedes Sosa.

                  A stirring picture book biography of one of Latin America's most beloved singers and human rights advocates, Mercedes Sosa.

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                • La historia de la estrella de cine Anna May Wong
                  (The Story of Movie Star Anna May Wong)
                  By Paula Yoo, Lin Wang, Eida del Risco
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                  La historia de la estrella de cine Anna May Wong

                  La historia de la estrella de cine Anna May Wong

                  (The Story of Movie Star Anna May Wong)
                  By Paula Yoo, Lin Wang, Eida del Risco
                  Esta entrada en la innovadora series de "Historia" de libros por capítulos biográficos se enfoca en Anna May Wong, cuya carrera pionera en Hollywood creó un nuevo camino para generaciones de actores asíatico-americanos.

                  This entry in the innovative "Story" line of chapter-book biographies focuses on Anna May Wong, whose trail-blazing career in Hollywood broke new ground for future generations of Asian American actors.

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                • Front cover for Twin Flames by Olivia Abtahi
                    Twin Flames
                    By Olivia Abtahi
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                    Twin Flames

                    Twin Flames

                    By Olivia Abtahi
                    On estranged twins Leila and Bianca's eighteenth birthday, Leila suddenly gains a djinn's superpowers, and the twins realize that their town can only survive the djinns' secret plans if they learn to work together as sisters. An action-packed YA fantasy!

                    Audiobook Edition

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                  • Behind My Doors
                    The Story of the World's Oldest Library
                    By Hena Khan, Nabila Adani
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                    Behind My Doors

                    Behind My Doors

                    The Story of the World's Oldest Library
                    By Hena Khan, Nabila Adani
                    Come learn about the oldest operating library in existence, which was originally founded by a Muslim woman in 859!

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                  • Kicked Out
                    By A. M. Dassu
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                    Kicked Out

                    Kicked Out

                    By A. M. Dassu
                    In this stand-alone companion novel to the acclaimed Boy, Everywhere, A. M. Dassu returns to extend the story of Sami's best friend Ali, who organizes a charity soccer match for their friend Aadam while his whole life is privately unraveling.

                    Audiobook Edition

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                  • The Wild Ones
                    By Megan Lacera, Jorge Lacera
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                    The Wild Ones

                    The Wild Ones

                    By Megan Lacera, Jorge Lacera
                    From the creators of Zombies Don't Eat Veggies! comes a heartwarming and epic tale of four best friends who turn to the mythical monsters from their respective cultures to help them save the only home they've ever known.

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                  • Los Bravos
                    By Megan Lacera, Jorge Lacera
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                    Los Bravos

                    Los Bravos

                    By Megan Lacera, Jorge Lacera
                    De los creadores de ¡Los zombis no comen verduras! llega una historia épica y conmovedora de cuatro mejores amigos que recurren a los monstruos míticos de sus respectivas culturas para ayudarlos a salvar el único hogar que han conocido.

                    From the creators of Zombies Don't Eat Veggies! comes a heartwarming and epic tale of four best friends who turn to the mythical monsters from their respective cultures to help them save the only home they've ever known.

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