97 Books in this collection
Descubriendo la Lectura Bebop Books Collection
Lee & Low Books is proud to be the nation's largest publisher of multicultural children's books. With the launch of our new Descubriendo la Lectura (DLL) Bebop Books collections, schools across the country will now be able to bring more equity, inclusion, and diversity into their Spanish classroom libraries. We will work with you to ensure your students have access to scores of authentic, culturally responsive, contemporary books at the levels they need in Spanish. These exclusive bundles of Bebop fiction and nonfiction titles in Spanish have been compiled to fill a Reading Recovery® and Descubriendo la Lectura (DLL) teacher’s library. These titles have been field-tested and officially analyzed by certified Reading Recovery® teachers and can be found in the current approved book list published by Reading Recovery Council of North America (RRCNA). (Search for the titles on RRCNA with the publisher listed as "Bebop Books" and "Lee & Low Books")
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Email: RR@leeandlow.com
Phone (Toll free): 1-888-320-3190 x. 26
More information can be found at https://www.leeandlow.com/educators/reading-recovery.
To get the latest on the Reading Recovery® book list, please visit https://readingrecovery.org.
Note: Reading Recovery® levels are Intervention levels.