153 Books in this collection

Reading Recovery Bebop Books Levels 16 – 20

Lee & Low Books is proud to be the nation's largest publisher of multicultural children's books. With the launch of our new Reading Recovery® Bebop Books collections, schools across the country will now be able to bring more equity, inclusion, and diversity into their classroom libraries. We will work with you to ensure your students have access to scores of authentic, culturally responsive, contemporary books at the levels they need. These exclusive bundles of Bebop fiction and nonfiction titles in English have been compiled to fill a Reading Recovery® teacher's library. These titles have been field-tested and officially analyzed by certified Reading Recovery® teachers and can be found in the current approved book list published by Reading Recovery Council of North America (RRCNA). (Search for the titles on RRCNA with the publisher listed as "Bebop Books" and "Lee & Low Books")

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More information can be found at https://www.leeandlow.com/educators/reading-recovery.

To get the latest on the Reading Recovery® book list, please visit https://readingrecovery.org.

Note: Reading Recovery® levels are Intervention levels.

Collection of 153 books: $1,599.45

David's Drawings

El sol del verano

Es mejor dar que recibir

Follow That Map! (Confetti Kids #7)

How Far Do You Love Me?

It Is Better to Give Than to Receive

La mascota de Pablo (Confetti Kids #9)

Las mariposas de Alicia

Marina la ballena

Marina the Whale

My First Book of Proverbs / Mi primer libro de dichos

My Teacher Can Teach . . . Anyone!

Off to Bed!

Pablo's Pet (Confetti Kids #9)

Recycle, Reuse, and Reduce

Summer Sun Risin'

The Buddy Bench (Confetti Kids #8)

The Three Wishes

Tu amigo, Jorge

Una comida de cumpleaños para papá

Where I Learn

Your Friend, Jorge

¿Cuál contiene más?

A Birthday Meal for Dad

African Dance

Alicia's Butterflies

Black All Around

Buscando una princesa de verdad

Cuando sea grande

El conejo mágico

El pequeño Toñito

El viaje de Carlos y Ceci

I Know the River Loves Me / Yo sé que el río me ama

I'll Build You a Bookcase

I'll Build You a Bookcase / Te haré tu propio librero (Spanish-English bilingual edition)

La protesta (Confetti Kids #10)

Las dos inseparables

Lo que como yo

Lo que los animales nos dan

Punched Paper


Searching for a Real Princess

Shiny, Shiny Little Star

The Journey of Carlos and Ceci

The Protest (Confetti Kids #10)

The Talent Show (Confetti Kids #11)

Tiny Tony

Two Sweet Peas

What Animals Provide

What I Eat

¡A la cama!

¡Oye! Estás comiendo mi tarea

¿Qué soy?

¿Quien vive aquí?

A Space for Me

Baby Born

Baby Rattlesnake / Viborita de Cascabel

Bibim Bap for Dinner


Danza Africana

Diez tamborileros oni

Dulces recuerdos

El ciclo del agua

El duende Maloigoloso

El taller de piñatas

Elizabeti's Doll

Fabio and the Mayan Festival

Fabio y el festival maya

I Can Be... Me!

La muestra de talentos (Confetti Kids #11)

La sirenita Ari

Las celebraciones

Las máquinas sencillas

Leo and the Butterflies

Los tres deseos

Mi escalera

My Steps

Rainbow Stew

Simple Machines

Soy la tetera

Sweet Memories

The Garden (Confetti Kids #5)

The Piñata Workshop

Under My Hijab

What Am I?

Ari the Mermaid

Butterflies for Kiri

El cuerpo de una araña

El maíz de Quetzalcóatl

Juna's Jar

Las partes de una planta

Looking for Insects

Los tiburones

Lupita y David

Marisol McDonald Doesn't Match / Marisol McDonald no combina

Mommy's Having a Watermelon

Nine-In-One, Grr! Grr!

Rafi and Rosi Carnival!

Rafi y Rosi


Summer Sun Risin' - Bebop

Ten Oni Drummers

The Parts of a Plant

The Water Cycle

¿Quién es Michael Ramírez?

A Morning with Grandpa

A Special Day

All Around Us

Allie's Basketball Dream

Bein' with You This Way

Cora Cooks Pancit


Don't Say a Word, Mamá / No digas nada, Mamá

Drummer Boy of John John