131 Books in this collection

Reading Recovery Bebop Books Levels 6 – 10

Lee & Low Books is proud to be the nation's largest publisher of multicultural children's books. With the launch of our new Reading Recovery® Bebop Books collections, schools across the country will now be able to bring more equity, inclusion, and diversity into their classroom libraries. We will work with you to ensure your students have access to scores of authentic, culturally responsive, contemporary books at the levels they need. These exclusive bundles of Bebop fiction and nonfiction titles in English have been compiled to fill a Reading Recovery® teacher's library. These titles have been field-tested and officially analyzed by certified Reading Recovery® teachers and can be found in the current approved book list published by Reading Recovery Council of North America (RRCNA). (Search for the titles on RRCNA with the publisher listed as "Bebop Books" and "Lee & Low Books")

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Email: RR@leeandlow.com

Phone: (212) 779-4400 option 3

More information can be found at https://www.leeandlow.com/educators/reading-recovery.

To get the latest on the Reading Recovery® book list, please visit https://readingrecovery.org.

Note: Reading Recovery® levels are Intervention levels.

Collection of 131 books: $953.75

¡No quiero ir al dentista!

¿Cúantos hay?

Animals at the Aquarium

At the Market

Bibim bap para cenar

Block Party - Bebop

Block Party (Confetti Kids #3)

Brilla, brilla estrellita

El mariachi

En el parque

Grandma Alma

I Had a Hippopotamus - Bebop

I Need To Ask You Something

La fiesta de la piñata

La mariposa

Las mamás trabajan

Lo que hacen los pájaros

Los monstruos

Lots of Hats

Mi gatito mimado

Mi gran roca

Mis mascotas

Moms at Work

Muchos sombreros

My Fussy Kitten

My Teacher

Santa Claus

Sister, Sister

Tengo que pedirte algo

The Tamales

Vengan a ver mi rancho

Wave Goodbye

Which One Holds More?

Who Is My Best Friend?

A Puppy for Me

Ana and Tito

Baby Rattlesnake

Come See My Farm

Go Go Gumbo

Hermana, hermana

I Love Recess!

My Five Puppies

My Mommy

My Piñata

Seven Cookies

Siete Galletas

The Dashiki

The Hardworking Bee

What Birds Do

Yo tenía un hipopótamo

Yo tenía un hipopótamo - Bebop

¡Desayuno para mí!

¡Rico, rico estofado!

¿Qué debería ser?

Ana y Tito

Buenas noches

Carla's Cars

Dinero para comprar un helado

El dashiki

El supermercado

Fiesta de barrio

Good Night

Ice Cream Money

Kama's Lei

La abeja trabajadora

Las estaciones

Los carritos de Carla

Los trucos de Twister

Me encontré una piedra

Mi tía Erika

More Pizza!

My Auntie Erika

Sara, Little Sara

The Mariachi

The Supermarket

Un perrito para mí

Una cabra en la ciudad

What Should I Be?

¡Ay, qué suerte!

¿Quién lee conmigo?

A New Home

Andrés the Fish

Animales en el acuario

Breakfast for Me!

Community Helpers

Confetti Eggs

El autobús escolar

El pececito Andrés

El rebozo de Elsa

Elena's New School

Elsa's Rebozo

La escuela nueva de Elena

Living in an Igloo

Lo mejor que me ha pasado

Los ayudantes de la comunidad

Mi día

Mi largo viaje

Mis días de la semana

My Day

My Days of the Week

My Long Trip

Sara, Sarita

Sh, Sh!

Sorpresa de mudanza

The Ladybug Is Sad

The School Bus

Un nuevo hogar

¡Más pizza!

¿Dónde viven los insectos?

Aventura en el barrio Chino

Car Wash

Chinatown Adventure

El lei de Kama

El silbido de Ruby

Gregorio el gallo

La obra de Tuti

Lavado de autos

Lo que hacemos Boo y yo

Luna sorpresa

Mis cinco perritos

Music Time (Confetti Kids #4)

Oh, What Luck!

Ruby's Whistle

Rusty the Rooster

Silent Sam


The Best Thing

The Butterfly

Twister's Tricks