
The Unstoppable Garrett Morgan

By Booklist

Garrett Morgan’s story of invention, ingenuity, and steadfast determination is captured in this episodic biography of his life. Written in a third-person format, the author traces a path to Garrett’s invention of a firefighter’s safety hood, which later evolved into the gas mask. This invention saved many lives, and it is one of many that Garrett created to change the lives of people worldwide. DiCicco portrays Morgan as an intelligent, driven young man with a talent for solving problems through design. Glenn’s illustrations depict Garrett as a statuesque figure, and her artistic style and use of color offer a realistic view of America in the early 1900s. This biography will find plenty of use in intermediate grades with units on Black history, inventors, segregation, the great migration, or early American history. Media specialists, teachers, and librarians will find this book to be a good addition to their collections and STEM offerings. An appended time line features important events in Morgan’s life and many of his inventions.