It’s been 59 years since Brown vs. Board of Education overturned the “separate but equal” doctrine in schools, but that doesn’t mean discrimination has disappeared from the classroom. Teaching children about race can be a tricky topic, but luckily, there are many great resources and books out there. Our new picture book,  As Fast As Words Could Fly, takes a unique look at school desegregation, following an African American family in North Carolina in the midst of the Civil Rights Movement. Based on the experiences of author Pamela Tuck’s father, it’s proof that just one young person could – and still can – make a big difference.

10 Resources for Teaching About Race

illustration by Eric Velasquez from As Fast As Words Could Fly

Below are 10 additional resources for teaching about race and diversity issues in the classroom:

  1. Teaching Tolerance
  2. National Education Association
  3. RaceBridges for Schools
  4. Diversity Council
  5. Multicultural Pavilion
  6. Scholastic Teaching Diversity Resources
  7. Education World-Diversity in Education
  8. Teacher Vision
  9. Teaching for Change
  10. Zinn Education Project

If you have other favorite resources, please share them in the comments!

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