November is Native American Heritage Month! Native American Heritage Month evolved from the efforts of various individuals at the turn of the 20th century who tried to get a day of recognition for Native Americans. In 1990, President George H.W. Bush approved a resolution that appointed November as Native American Heritage Month.

Historically, Native people have been silenced and their stories set aside, hidden, or drowned out. The #NoDAPL movement and the fight against racist portrayals for sports mascots  brought Native American voices to the forefront of the news last year, but the issues that the community still have to deal with shouldn’t be brushed aside. This is why it’s especially important to continue to read stories about Native characters, by Native voices which brings us to some exciting news: last month, we brought back to print a special 40th Anniversary  edition of Simon J. Ortiz’s beloved children’s book The People Shall Continue, which traces the history of Native and Indigenous people in North America. It includes updated illustrations by Sharol Graves and a new afterword by the author. It’s also available in a Spanish translation which you can purchase here.

the people shall continue

To celebrate Lee & Low’s release of The People Shall Continue, we’re giving away a special limited edition poster! Enter your school, library, or bookstore information here to request a FREE copy of our poster and the Teacher’s Guide for The People Shall Continue.

the people shall continue poster

Also check out the book trailer below:

Further Reading for Native American Heritage Month

10 Children’s Books by Native Writers

Filling in More of the Story: Modern-Day Narratives of Native Americans

The Miseducation of Native American Students

Further Resources for Native American Heritage Month

Resources and Kid Lit About American Indians from School Library Journal

Tips for Choosing Culturally Appropriate Books & Resources About Native Americans from Colorin Colorado

American Indians in Children’s Literature

Classroom lessons from the National Museum of the American Indian

Collections for Native American Heritage Month

Native American Heritage Collection

Native American English Collection Grades PreK-2 

Native American English Collection

Bebop Native American Spanish Grades PreK-2

Bebop Native American English Grades PreK-2

Native American English Collection Grades 3-6

Native American English Collection High School

Killer of Enemies Series

Joseph Bruchac Collection

Native American Spanish/Bilingual Collection

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