Guest Blogger IconApril is National Poetry Month, and we’re celebrating by asking some of our own Lee & Low poets to share their favorite poems with us. Today, poet and anthologist Lee Bennett Hopkins shares: 

Lee Bennett HopkinsA favorite poem of mine to read aloud is “Amazing Face” by Rebecca Kai Dotlich, the opening verse of my collection, Amazing Faces. I love this poem because it brings self-esteem to newborn children, to youth, to people of all ages.  In short, this poem is ‘amazing’!

image from Amazing Faces


Rebecca Kai Dotlich

Amazing, your face.


It shows there will be trails to follow,

porches to wave from, wonder from,

play on.

It shows you will sail ships,

paint stars,

carve pumpkins,



You will climb stalks,

greet giants,

crawl before you walk.

And you will fly

And you will fall.

And you will fly again.

Amazing, your face.

It shows you will watch from a window,

whisper to a friend,

ride a carousel,

melt candy on your tongue.

Amazing, your face.


Further reading: Lee Bennett Hopkins on how to read a poem out loud

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