
Jugo Fresco

By Rita E. Urquijo-Ruiz, Robert Liu-Trujillo
Illustrated by Robert Liu-Trujillo

Paperback: out of stock


Qué contiene un jugo quemantiene a todos saludables? ¡Art y su papa descubren que necesitan zanahorias... col berza... chile de árbol... y una comunidad!

What makes a great juice that keeps everyone healthy? Art and his dad discover it takes carrots ... collards ... cayenne ... and community!

Cuando el padre de Art nopuede deshacerse de un resfriado, Art sabe exactamente lo que su papi necesita: ¡un delicioso jugo mata-resfriados! Después de buscar en su refrigerador y en la alacena, descubren que les hace falta un ingrediente clave: jengibre. Pero el encontrar jengibre los llevará al centro, al mercado de agricultores, a la cooperativa de alimentos, a la tienda de productos de África Occidental... y a un encuentro inesperado que une a todos y resulta en una sabrosa celebración.

Las ilustraciones de acuarela cálidas y vibrantes del autor e ilustrador Rob Liu-Trujillo son una celebración de familias mixtas y muchos individuos que ayudan a hacer que una vecindad se sienta como una comunidad. ¡Jugo Fresco es un libro ilustrado centrado en los niños y en la comunidad y que te dejará con sed de más!

También está disponible en inglés como Fresh Juice

When Art's father can't get over a cold, Art knows exactly what his daddy needs: some delicious sick-fighting juice! After looking through the fridge and cupboards, they discover they're missing a key ingredient--ginger. But finding some ginger will take them downtown to the farmers' market, to the food co-op, to the West African grocery ... to an unexpected encounter that brings everyone together, and results in a tasty celebration.

Author-illustrator Rob Liu-Trujillo's warm and vibrant watercolor illustrations are a celebration of mixed families and the many individuals who help make a neighborhood feel like a community. Fresh Juice is a delightful, kid- and community-centered picture book that will leave you thirsty for more!

Click here to listen to the Meet-the-Author Recording on TeachingBooks!

Check out this interview with Robert Liu-Trujillo on the Our Classroom podcast! 

Also available in English as Fresh Juice!

About the Creators

Assets Rita E. Urquijo-Ruiz - Author

Thumb_robert_liu-trujillo Robert Liu-Trujillo - Author, Illustrator

Robert Liu-Trujillo is the author-illustrator of Furqan's First Flat Top and the illustrator of many picture books, including Alejandria Fights Back. When he was a kid, his dad made fresh wheatgrass juice and his stepfather juiced fruits and vegetables. Now as a husband and father, Robert makes fresh juice for his family. He lives in Oakland, California, with his wife and two kids. Visit him online at