11 Speculative Fiction Authors

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11 Speculative Fiction Authors contribute stories to Diverse Energies: Paolo Bacigalupi, K. Tempest Bradford, Rahul Kanakia, Rajan Khanna, Ursula K. Le Guin, Ken Liu, Malinda Lo, Ellen Oh, Cindy Pon, Greg Van Eekhout, and Daniel H. Wilson.

Editor Tobias S. Buckell is a Caribbean-born professional blogger and SF/F author who grew up in Grenada, the British Virgin Islands, and the U.S. Virgin Islands. He is a Clarion graduate, Writers of the Future winner, and Campbell Award for Best New SF Writer Finalist, and he has been nominated for a Nebula Award. His work on Halo has been selected as a Best Book for Young Adults (BBYA). Buckell lives in Ohio with his wife and two children.

Editor Joe Monti has worn several hats in publishing—from bookstore clerk to buyer, sales to editorial, to literary agent. He lives in New Jersey with his wife and son.