Where can I find Lee & Low’s books?

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  • Individual consumers can find our titles wherever books are sold, including our website, Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and Bookshop.
  • Schools and libraries can order directly from Lee & Low by contacting quotes@leeandlow.com, or completing this form. Books are also available via educational wholesalers, such as Baker & Taylor, Follett, and Mackin.
  • Retailers can also order directly from Lee & Low. Contact orders@leeandlow.com for information on discounts and terms. Books are also available through wholesale distributors, such as Ingram and Faire.
  • Ebooks: A wide range of Lee & Low titles can be borrowed on many ebook distribution platforms including Epic, Overdrive, Follett, Mackin, Skybrary, Open eBooks, and more. If you are struggling to find access to one of our books digitally, please contact us and we’ll see what we can do.
  • Audiobooks: Lee & Low does not directly sell digital content through our website. We recommend accessing Lee & Low titles through established audiobook lending and purchasing platforms to protect the intellectual property of our authors and illustrators and to ensure quality. You can find out more information about our audiobooks here.

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