- Please choose product options by visiting Montgomery and the Case of the Golden Key.
- Please choose product options by visiting The Longest Night in Egypt.
- Please choose product options by visiting Speculation.
- Please choose product options by visiting Snitchers.
- Please choose product options by visiting ¿Qué habrá dentro de la caja?.
- Please choose product options by visiting What's In the Box?.
- Please choose product options by visiting The Shadow Prince.
- Please choose product options by visiting El Parlamento de Lechuzas.
- Please choose product options by visiting Julieta and the Diamond Enigma.
- Please choose product options by visiting The Everything I Have Lost.
- Please choose product options by visiting Playing for the Devil's Fire.
- Please choose product options by visiting Sofrito.
- Please choose product options by visiting Ink and Ashes.
- Please choose product options by visiting A Tightly Raveled Mind.
- Please choose product options by visiting The Black Butterfly.
- Please choose product options by visiting House of Purple Cedar.
- Please choose product options by visiting The Monster in the Mudball.
- Please choose product options by visiting That Mad Game.
- Please choose product options by visiting Cat Girl's Day Off.
- Please choose product options by visiting The Blood Lie.
Montgomery and the Case of the Golden Key
By Tracy Occomy CrowderMontgomery and the Case of the Golden Key
By Tracy Occomy CrowderView DetailsIt's 2008, and ten-year-old Montgomery "Monty" Carver is out to find the origin of a golden key found in his Southside Chicago community--which may or may not host the next Olympic games, or supply the next President of the United States, or... have a potential ghost hanging around.
The Longest Night in Egypt
(The Shadow Prince #2)By David Anthony Durham, Eric WilkersonThe Longest Night in Egypt
(The Shadow Prince #2)By David Anthony Durham, Eric WilkersonView DetailsThe Shadow Prince saga continues as Ash and his heroic friends rush to save Ra from the belly of Apep and bring light back to an Egypt that has been plunged into darkness.
By Nisi ShawlSpeculation
By Nisi ShawlView DetailsA wonderful middle-grade fantasy debut about Black families, family history, family curses ... and a really marvelous pair of spectacles.
By Stephane DunnSnitchers
By Stephane DunnView DetailsWhen the grownups can't do it, three friends join together to figure out who killed a little boy in their neighborhood in this stunning debut YA by award-winning playwright Stephane Dunn.
¿Qué habrá dentro de la caja?
By Barbara M. Flores, Elena Castro, Eddie Hernández, James Florez¿Qué habrá dentro de la caja?
By Barbara M. Flores, Elena Castro, Eddie Hernández, James FlorezView Details¿Puedes adivinar lo que hay dentro de la caja?Lee para que veas qué es.
Can you guess what's in the box? Read this story to find out.
What's In the Box?
By Barbara M. Flores, Elena Castro, Eddie Hernández, James FlorezWhat's In the Box?
By Barbara M. Flores, Elena Castro, Eddie Hernández, James FlorezView DetailsCan you guess what's in the box? Read this story to find out.
The Shadow Prince
By David Anthony DurhamThe Shadow Prince
In this middle grade solarpunk novel set in an alternate Egyptian universe, twelve-year-old Ash must compete and survive to become the shadow--and protector--of the prince.
El Parlamento de Lechuzas
By David Bowles, Raúl the Third, Stacey Robinson, Damian DuffyEl Parlamento de Lechuzas
By David Bowles, Raúl the Third, Stacey Robinson, Damian DuffyView DetailsDescubre una novela gráfica sin par: una brillante reinvención steampunk de Frankenstein ambientada en el México colonial.