
Dance, Nana, Dance / Baila, Nana, baila: Cuban Folktales in Spanish and English

By Joe Hayes
Illustrated by Mauricio Trenard Sayago

Paperback: $16.95

Hardcover: out of stock


Talking yams, a wily sorceress, a famous rascal, and more--find them all in this bilingual collection of Cuban folktales featuring ingenious and magical protagonists.

Ñames que hablan, una hechicera astuta, un granuja famoso y más: encuéntrelos a todos en esta colección bilingüe de cuentos populares Cubanos con protagonistas ingeniosos y mágicos.

In this award-winning anthology, folklorist Joe Hayes shares stories he learned after years of visiting Cuba and listening to local storytellers. Out of these visits came this collection of thirteen delightful folktales that will charm you with their humor, magic, and wisdom.

The book also includes an introduction and afterword to storytellers in which Hayes provides some background of the tales included: the cultures they originated from, cultural meanings of important elements in the stories, and previous collections that included the stories, along with other relevant storytelling and anthropological information.

En esta antología premiada, el folclorista Joe Hayes comparte historias que aprendió después de años de visitar Cuba y escuchar a los narradores locales. De esas visitas surgió esta colección de trece encantadores cuentos populares que te cautivarán con su humor, magia y sabiduría.

El libro también incluye una introducción y un postfacio para los narradores, en las que Hayes repasa algunos antecedentes de los cuentos incluidos: las culturas de las que se originaron, los significados culturales de los elementos importantes de las historias y las colecciones anteriores que incluyeron las historias, junto con más información narrativa y antropológica sobre los cuentos.

About the Creators

Thumb_joehayes Joe Hayes - Author

Joe Hayes is one of America's premier storytellers. He grew up in a small town in southern Arizona where he started learning Spanish from his classmates. As Joe got older, he began reading the work of folklorists and anthropologists and gathering the old stories from the Southwest region. His books have received the Arizona Young Readers Award, two Land of Enchantment Children's Book Awards, the Texas Bluebonnet award, and the National Storytelling Network Talking Leaves Award. He lives in New Mexico.

Thumb_bio_sm_mauriciotrenardsayago_copy Mauricio Trenard Sayago

Mauricio Trenard Sayago was born in Cuba and raised to believe in the power of art to educate and transform the individual and society. His goal is to use his work to simplify or change how people see their current realities so they can make the world a better place. He came to the United States in 2000 and lives in Brooklyn, New York, where he uses painting to create images and explore himself in a different cultural context.