
¡El Cucuy!

By Joe Hayes
Illustrated by Honorio Robledo

Paperback: $10.95


So, you've been in trouble. Your parents tell you they're calling the bogeyman. You laugh. There's no such thing! Then--you hear a sharp knock. Standing at the door is the oldest man you have ever seen. It's el Cucuy (coo-COO-ee)! With that big red ear, he hears everything! In this cautionary tale, storyteller Joe Hayes tells about two girls who didn't believe in el Cucuy until he snatched them up. But of course, the story has a happy ending.

Con que haz estado haciendo travesuras. Tus papás te dicen que le van a hablar al Cucuy. Te riés. ¡No existe! Entonces: escuchas un fuerte golpe en la puerta. Y ahí esta el hombre más viejo que jamas haz visto. ¡Es el Cucuy! Con esa gran oreja roja, ¡escucha todo! En esta historia admonitoria, el cuentista Joe Hayes habla de dos niñas que no creyeron en el Cucuy hasta que se las robo. Pero claro, el cuento tiene un final feliz.

About the Creators

Thumb_joehayes Joe Hayes - Author

Joe Hayes is one of America's premier storytellers. He grew up in a small town in southern Arizona where he started learning Spanish from his classmates. As Joe got older, he began reading the work of folklorists and anthropologists and gathering the old stories from the Southwest region. His books have received the Arizona Young Readers Award, two Land of Enchantment Children's Book Awards, the Texas Bluebonnet award, and the National Storytelling Network Talking Leaves Award. He lives in New Mexico.

Thumb_honorio_tapia_edited Honorio Robledo

Honorio Robledo, artist and musician, has illustrated four Lee & Low books: ¡El Cucuy! , Nico Visits the Moon and The Dog Child with the imprint Cinco Puntos Press, and Super Cilantro Girl with Children's Book Press. He and his wife Luana moved to Mexico so their children could grow up barefoot.