Tu amigo, Jorge

By Barbara M. Flores, Elena Castro, Eddie Hernández, Raúl Espinoza
Paperback: $8.50

¿Qué harías si tu mejor amigo se mudara? Lee este libro para que veas lo que hizo Jorge.

What would you do if your best friend moved away? Read this book to see what Jorge did.

Front cover for Your Friend, Jorge by Barbara Flores; Elena Castro; Eddie Hernández and Raúl Espinoza
This book is also available in English
Your Friend, Jorge
By Barbara M. Flores, Elena Castro, Eddie Hernández, Raúl Espinoza


¿Qué harías si tu mejor amigo se mudara? Lee este libro para que veas lo que hizo Jorge.

What would you do if your best friend moved away? Read this book to see what Jorge did.

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About the Creators

Barbara M. Flores
Barbara M. Flores

Barbara M. Flores was born in Madera, California. She holds a Ph.D. in education from the University of Arizona and is involved in many children’s literacy organizations including the International Reading Association and the California Association of Bilingual Educators. Barbara based this story on a trick she played on her younger sister when they were little. She lives in San Bernardino, California, with her daughter.

Elena Castro

Elena Castro began as a bilingual teacher in Calexico, Ca. After 19 years in the classroom she became the Coordinator of Curriculum, providing staff development on effective classroom instruction. Ms. Castro became a principal and 4 years later, Asst. Superintendent for the same district where she was responsible for all instructional programs. She joined the Imperial County Office of Education as Asst. Superintendent for Educational Services where she assisted districts on current issues concerning Literacy, EL’s, LCAP, ELD, Parent Involvement and CCSS. Ms. Castro is co-author of the Piñata and Mas Piñata Literacy Series, written for bilingual students.

Eddie Hernández

Eddie Hernández has been in education for the past 34 years. He was a bilingual kindergarten teacher for several years and also taught other grade levels during his teaching career. He is co-author of the "Pinata" and "Mas Pinata" authentic emergent literacy series. During the time of its inception he co-presented around the country on early literacy, with a focus on practical strategies teachers could use in the classroom. Eddie has been a principal in the elementary level, working with English language learners, and a director at the Imperial County Office of Education, where he provided support to the districts in the county. He is currently the principal at the Imperial Valley Center for Exceptional Children working with students diagnosed with severe disabilities, autism, and downs syndrome.

Raúl Espinoza
Raúl Espinoza


  • ISBN 9781643793368
  • Publication Date Feb 01, 2022
  • Trim Size 8.5 × 6.625 in
  • Weight 0.125 lbs
  • Page Count 16
  • Word Count 329
  • Interests

  • Audience Children
  • Themes Beginning Concepts, Childhood Experiences and Memories, Classroom Activities, Dual Language, Early Emergent, Early Readers, Education, Emergent, Fiction, Friendship, Guided Reading, Leveled Readers, Nonfiction, Photographic Illustrations, Spanish
  • Reading Levels

  • Guided Reading I
  • Spanish Guided Reading I
  • DRA 16
  • Interest Level Grades PreK - 3
  • Lexile Code AD
  • Lexile Level 510
  • Reading Level Grades 1 - 2
  • Bebop Reading Emergent
  • This Book is Included in These Collections:

    • 18
      Bebop Spanish Guided Reading Level I
      Collection of 18 books: $143.00

      El coquí

      ¿Sabes lo que es un coquí? Lee este libro y lo sabrás.

      Read this book about the coquí, a tiny tree frog, to find out what makes it famous.

      Una comida de cumpleaños para papá

      Es el cumpleaños de papá. Lee este libro para que veas cómo preparar la comida favorita de papá.

      It's Dad's birthday. Read this story to learn how to prepare Dad's favorite meal.

      Tu amigo, Jorge

      ¿Qué harías si tu mejor amigo se mudara? Lee este libro para que veas lo que hizo Jorge.

      What would you do if your best friend moved away? Read this book to see what Jorge did.

      Marina la ballena

      Lee este cuento para que veas lo que pasa cuando Marina, la ballena, no le hace caso a su mamá.

      Read this story to find out what happens when Marina the whale doesn't listen to her mother.

      Es mejor dar que recibir

      Lee esta historia para que aprendas qué significa este dicho: "Es mejor dar que recibir".

      Read this story to learn what this saying means: "It is better to give than to receive."

      Donde yo aprendo

      Un niño aprende diferentes cosas en diferentes lugares. Lee para que veas a dónde va y que aprende.

      A boy learns different things in different places. Read to find out where he goes and what he learns.

      Web discounts do not apply to Bebop books

      ¡Qué susto me dio!

      Un niño tenía mucho miedo. Lee para que veas por qué se sentía así.

      A young boy is so scared. Read this book to see why he felt this way.

      ¡No me quiero bañar!

      A Diego no le gusta bañarse. Lee este cuento para que veas qué le pasa.

      Diego doesn't like to take baths. Read this story to find out what happens to him.

      Web discounts do not apply to Bebop books

      Los lápices hablan y otros poemas de la Escuela

      A simple school day is a lot more fun when you add a little poetry! Follow along for a fresh look at spelling tests, recess, music class and more, in this spirited collection of school day poems.

      Luna sorpresa

      On a Fall night, a Vietnamese American boy named Nick shows his friends how to celebrate the Autumn Moon Festival, a special holiday in his father's home country. See which part of the celebration Nick likes the best.

      Reciclar, reutilizar y reducir

      Lee este libro para que veas algunas cosas que puedes hacer para ayudar a mantener saludable a nuestro planeta Tierra.

      Read this book to find out about some things you can do to help keep our planet, Earth, healthy.

      Sara, Sarita

      ¿Qué le pasa a Sarita cuando está comiendo su pastel y su helado? Lee y mira lo que pasó.

      What happens to little Sara when she is eating her cake and ice cream? Read and find out.

      Los tamales

      Los tamales son deliciosos. Este libro te dice cómo hacerlos.

      Tamales are delicious. This book tells you how to make them.

      La niña de jengibre

      Una niña de jengibre piensa que es muy viva. Lee este libro para ver qué le sucede a ella.

      The gingerbread girl thinks she is very smart. Read this book to see what happens to her.

      El pollito triste

      El pollito se siente muy triste y solito. Lee para ver por qué se siente así.

      Once there was a chick that was sad and lonely. Read this story to find out why it feels this way.

      El niño travieso y los tres osos

      Lee este libro para que veas lo que pasa cuando un niño visita a los tres osos.

      A naughty boy visits the house of three bears. What do you think will happen?

      El sol del verano

      From sun up to sun down, life on the farm is a flurry of activity. See how a young African American boy and his family spend a busy day on their farm.

      Me veo en el Rodeo

      On her way to school one morning, a young Native American girl gets a taste of the rodeo adventure she daydreams about.

    • 102
      Bebop Spanish Nonfiction
      Collection of 102 books: $737.00

      Gatos grandes, gatos pequeños

      Big wild cats and little tame cats.

      Are they alike? Look inside and see.

      ¿Puedes comer el arco iris?

      Look inside this book to find out if you really can eat a rainbow.

      ¡A contar calabazas!

      Join two friends counting pumpkins-

      and find a surprise at the end!

      Huevos, huevos, huevos

      Many animals come from eggs.

      Read about some of them

      in this book.

      ¿Cómo ayudo?

      Open this book to meet some people who help us every day.

      Conoce a mi familia

      En este libro conocerás a la familia de una niña. ¿Quiénes forman parte de tu familia?

      A young girl introduces us to all the members of her family.

      El arco iris

      ¿Qué colores ves en un arco iris? Lee este libro y aprende cuáles son.

      What colors do you see in a rainbow? Read this book and learn what they are.

      ¿Qué puede volar?

      A bird can fly. A plane can fly.

      What else can fly?

      Mi cuerpo

      Acompañe a un niño mientras nombra y cuenta algunas de las partes de su cuerpo.

      Join a young boy as he names and counts some of his body parts.

      Las formas donde jugamos

      Shapes are everywhere, even where we play. In this colorfully photographed book, two children find all of the basic shapes in the equipment on their playground.

      Empanadas de carne

      A Caribbean boy makes empanadas with his grandmother.

      ¡Más pizza!

      Pedro tiene una pizza. ¿Por qué crees que quiere más?

      Pedro has a pizza. Why do you think he wants more?

      Buenos amigos

      Join two best friends, an Asian Indian boy and girl, as they spend an active day outdoors running, climbing, sliding, and more.

      ¡Yo bailo!

      ¿Qué necesita una niña para bailar? Aquí ella te lo va a decir.

      Meet a girl who tells us all about the things she needs so that she is ready to dance.

      Mis juguetes

      Un niño juega con muchos juguetes. Lee y mira cuáles son los que le gustan.

      A boy has many toys. Read and find out which ones he likes to play with best.

      La lluvia cae

      Rain falls on grass.

      Rain falls on rocks.

      Where else does rain fall?

      La charreada

      Fui a una charreada ayer. ¿Qué crees que yo vi allí?

      A young boy went to a rodeo. What do you think he saw there?

      Esta es mi casa

      Meet children from different lands.

      See their different kinds of homes.

      Vamos a hacer tacos

      A Mexican American boy and his father spend time together making tacos, and eating them!

      ¡Deliciosas manzanas!

      Learn how apples grow from tiny seeds

      into big, red fruit. Yum, apples!

      Una ensalada

      ¿Te gusta la ensalada? Lee este libro y aprende cómo hacer una ensalada. ¡Mmmm!

      Do you like salad? This book shows you how to make a delicious salad. Mmmm!

      Huella de pescado

      Three Latina girls show how to make a colorful fish print.

      ¡Hola, flor!

      An Asian Indian boy tries out his green thumb when he plants a flower from seed, nurtures it, and watches it bloom.

      ¡Me encanta el recreo!

      Un niño nos muestra algunas de las cosas que le gusta jugar durante el recreo.

      A boy shows us some of the things he likes to play during recess.

      En el desierto

      ¿Qué animales viven en el desierto? Lee este libro para descubrirlo.

      Many different animals live in the desert. This book tells you about some of them.

      Hacer un pavo

      A Japanese American boy demonstrates a fun classroom project - making a picture of a turkey from a handprint.

      Mi mamá es pintora

      A Chinese American boy watches his mother, an artist, as she colorfully paints several things, including him!

      Mi bicicleta

      Un bicicleta tiene muchas partes. Lee este libro para ver cuáles son.

      A bicycle has many parts. Read this book to find out what they are.

      Mis cinco sentidos

      Yo tengo cinco sentidos. Lee este libro para aprender cómo los uso.

      Can you name your five senses? This book shows what you can do with each of them.

      Mi escuela

      Una niña es muy feliz cuando va a su escuela. Lee por qué le encanta tanto su escuela.

      One girl is very happy when she goes to school. Read about why she likes her school so much.

      En nuestra granja

      While spending the day working on their farm, a Latina girl and her father discover that working together is lots of fun.

      Nos encanta chapotear

      From the sink to the lake, a group of children have fun splashing in the water.

      La flor

      Lee este libro y aprende qué necesitas para cultivar una flor linda.

      With this book you can learn to plant a seed and grow a pretty flower.

      Las figuras

      Este libro te enseña que las figuras están por todas partes. ¿Dónde las puedes encontrar?

      This book will show you that shapes are everywhere all around us.

      ¿Quién es mi mejor amigo?

      Lee sobre una niña y su mejor amigo. ¿Quién crees que es su mejor amigo?

      A girl tells about some of the things she and her best friend-her dad-do together.

      Hago cerámica

      A Pueblo girl learns the traditional art of making pottery from her grandmother.

      Las mamás trabajan

      Las mamás trabajan mucho. Lee sobre algunos de los diferentes tipos de trabajos que ellas hacen.

      Moms do many different kinds of work. This book tells about some of the jobs moms have.

      La mariposa

      ¿Sabes cómo nace y crece una mariposa? Lee este libro y lo sabrás.

      Do you know how a butterfly is born and grows? Read this book to find out.

      Lo que hacen los pájaros

      ¿Sabes algunas de las cosas que pueden hacer los pájaros? Lee este libro para que lo sepas.

      Do you know the meaning of the different things birds do? Read this book to find out.

      Un perrito para mí

      Una niña recibirá un perrito para su cumpleaños. ¿Cómo crees que será su perrito?

      A girl is getting a puppy for her birthday. What do you think her puppy will look like?

      ¡Desayuno para mÌ!

      Lee este libro para que veas las diferentes comidas que le gusta desayunar a un niño.

      Read this book to find out about the different foods a boy likes to eat for breakfast.

      Los carritos de Carla

      A Carla le gusta coleccionar carritos. Mira en este libro todos los diferentes carritos de su colección.

      Carla likes to collect cars. Look inside to see all the kinds of cars in her collection.

      ¡Rico, rico estofado!

      Come see what's cooking as an African American girl and her grandfather stir up a yummy batch of gumbo chock full of delicious ingredients.

      Buenas noches

      Sebastián está listo para dormir. Pero primero, todos deben decir "buenas noches".

      Sebastian is ready to go to sleep. But first, everybody has to say, "Good night."

      Tengo que pedirte algo

      Getting ready to go outside on a chilly day, an African American girl needs to ask her mom for lots of help-from finding her gloves to opening the heavy door. After all this help, she gives her mom a very special "thank you."

      Animales en el acuario

      ¿Qué animales podrías ver en un acuario? Lee este libro para que lo sepas.

      What animals might you see at an aquarium? This book tells you about some of them.

      Aventura en el barrio Chino

      A young Chinese American girl is spending the day in Chinatown with her mother. With so many interesting things to buy, how will she spend her money?

      Los ayudantes de la comunidad

      Lee este libro para aprender cómo alguna gente en la comunidad nos ayuda.

      Every community has people who help others. This book tells about some helpers found in most communities.


      Follow along with these easy steps as a boy and girl demonstrate the Latino tradition of making cascarones. These confetti-filled eggs are fun to make and break!

      Mi dÌa

      Lee este libro para que veas lo que hace una niña durante diferentes horas del día.

      A girl takes us through a day and tells what she does at different times each day.

      Mis días de la semana

      Lee este libro para que veas algunas de las cosas que hace una niña durante cada día de la semana.

      Read this book to find out some of the things a girl does each day of the week.

      Mi largo viaje

      Un niño va a hacer un largo viaje en carro. ¿Qué crees que llevará para entretenerse durante sl viaje?

      A boy is going on a long car trip. What do you think he will take to keep himself busy on the trip?

      El autobús escolar

      Lee este libro para aprender sobre las partes de un autobús escolar y adónde va todos los días.

      Read to find out about the parts of a school bus and where it goes every day.

      Las vocales

      Lee este libro para descubrir algunas de las palabras que puedes leer cuando te sabes los sonidos que hacen las vocales.

      Discover some of the words you can read when you know the vowel sounds.

      La obra de Tuti

      Join a girl named Tuti, who lives in Bali, as she gets ready to be in a play. Learn everything she does to prepare-from practicing traditional dances to putting on a very special costume.

      ¿Dónde viven los insectos?

      Hay miles de insectos en el mundo. Lee este libro para que veas dónde viven algunos de ellos.

      There are thousands of insects in the world. Read this book to find out where some of them live.

      Borreguita negra

      Ya viene el invierno. Lee este cuento para que veas como una borreguita negra ayuda a un niño a prepararse para el frío.

      Winter is coming. Read this story to find out how a black sheep helps a boy prepare for the cold.

      ¡Hacemos instrumentos!

      Lee este libro para que veas cómo puedes hacer algunos instrumentos usando cosas ordinarias que se encuentran en tu casa.

      Read this book to find out about some of the instruments you can make from ordinary items around your home.

      Vamos hacer una tostada

      Aquí están algunos ingredientes para una tostada. Lee este libro para que sepas cómo usarlos para hacer una rica botana.

      A boy shows how to make a delicious snack-a tostada!

      Vivo en un iglú

      Meet a young Inuit girl and her family. Learn why they sometimes live in an igloo and what life in an igloo is like.

      Oscar limpia su cuarto

      Lee para que veas qué pasa cuando un niño finalmente tiene que limpiar su cuarto.

      Read to find out what happens when a boy finally has to clean up his room.

      Lo mejor que me ha pasado

      Meet Madison, a Chinese American girl who thinks being adopted into a great family is the best thing.

      Los trucos de Twister

      Three African American siblings are preparing their horse, Twister, for a horse show. Come see the tricks they teach Twister.

      ¿Qué sale de un huevo?

      Muchos animales nacen de huevos. Lee este libro para que aprendas sobre algunos de ellos.

      Many animals hatch from eggs. This book introduces some of them.