
Arrow of Lightning

By School Library Journal

One year after Lozen escaped The Haven, her life has changed dramatically. No longer under the tyrannical rule of The Ones, she has created a community in Valley Where First Light Paints the Cliffs with her band of family and friends. But Lozen is still Killer of Enemies, and while the “gemod” creatures in the surrounding desert are easily dispatched, powerful adversaries from her past refuse to leave her in peace. It will take the full extent of Lozen’s abilities, including those she is only beginning to understand, to bring down The Haven and liberate those held captive within. As in the previous volumes, Lozen’s strong relationships and deep-rooted Apache heritage form the emotional heart of the story. The action-packed plot moves swiftly from one battle to the next while still allowing plenty of space for readers to ponder complex questions of life, death, and duty along with Lozen. Indeed, it is the heroine’s thoughtful consideration of her place in the world and the consequences of her decisions that sets her apart from so many other literary teenage assassins. The ending is surprisingly quiet, powerful, and hopeful, even as Bruchac makes it clear that the future for Lozen and her community is far from certain or easy. VERDICT A thrilling final chapter for a memorable teen heroine and a satisfying conclusion to a refreshingly original dystopian trilogy.