
The Happiest Tree

By Foreword Magazine

…Meena’s story will resonate with many children who feel awkward as their bodies grow, who experience difficulty keeping still, or who are frustrated with their klutziness… Krishnaswami paces this story well, so that the reader understands that learning yoga is a process, not an instant change… Softly textured acrylic paintings in vibrant colors add to the charm of this offering… illustrations complement the plot in an expressionistic style, capturing the frustration of Meena’s classmates as she trips, slips, wriggles, and giggles her way through the story as well as her own emotional reactions. The character’s Indian background is seamlessly integrated into the storyline through the beautifully detailed illustrations of her home and the Indian grocery where she discovers yoga. This ‘yoga story’ is a welcome addition to the very small body of picture books featuring characters of East Indian descent. Meena’s struggle with her own coordination is one faced by most school-aged children at some time, and will be enjoyed by that audience. Meena’s story answers the question ‘Why yoga?’ and belongs in libraries, bookstores, and anywhere else the question might be asked!