
Gracias • Thanks

By Booklist

From the sun waking him up in the morning to a cricket chirping him to sleep at night, a young boy gives thanks for the many things and people who enrich his life. These blessings are remarkable for their childlike imagination and fresh imagery: “Por mis piyamas viejos, tan suaves que me siento como si me estuviera poniendo aire, gracias. / For my old pajamas, so soft they feel like I’m putting on air, thanks.” The bilingual format features Spanish on the left-hand page and English on the right, and the dedication and author’s note are also printed in both languages. The boy himself appears to be bicultural, with a fairskinned, blond mother and a Latino father, and together with the boy’s siblings and extended family, they are warmly depicted dancing, fishing, working, and eating. Parra’s vivid acrylic illustrations have the feel of folk-art woodcuts and whimsically portray the details of the boy’s world, from his kite and books to his tennis shoes and ice cream. Books of thanks can run toward clichés, but the originality and liveliness of language and art in this one will inspire children to consider their own blessings.