
¡Olinguito, de la A a la Z! Descubriendo el bosque nublado /Olinguito, from A to Z! Unveiling the Cloud Forest

By De Colores

Like the rare and beautiful olinguito thriving in the brilliant cloud forest of the Andes, Delacre’s bilingual abecedario is a rare and beautiful thing that will enthrall young readers—and everyone else as well. Delacre’s exquisite mixed media illustrations consist of collaged printed patterns in flat acrylic colors on a background of watercolor paper, and leaves and ferns from the cloud forest dipped into ink and pressed onto textured rice paper.¡Olinguito, de la A a la Z! Descubriendo el bosque nublado  / Olinguito, from A to Z! Unveiling the Cloud Forest is highly recommended.