
Wolf Mark

By YA Book Central

I was really excited to be able to read the e-book galley of WOLF MARK that’s available on Netgalley. I love the idea behind Tu Books which is having more multicultural fantasies. Let’s just say WOLF MARK lives up to all I’d hoped for in this new imprint of Lee and Low books. It has a great voice that sucks you right into the story.

One thing I loved is how the author used his own Native American background to breathe new life into the whole werewolf premise. He does a great job of multilayering a protagonist who doesn’t turn into the stereotypical brutal, violent werewolf. I also was intrigued with Meena. She’s Muslim and Luke thinks his chances are really slim she’d want to be more than a friend. Again, the author doesn’t rely on the usual stereotypes or cliches on this. My own brother-in-law is Muslim and it’s refreshing to see this faith portrayed in a positive light.</br></br>

There’s action, suspense, and yes, the whole secret organization thing that makes this a fast-paced, thrilling read. There’s twists and turns throughout this book including the chilling revelation on what this one super corporation wants from not only Luke but his father. </br></br>

And the mysterious Russian students at his school is another fun twist. Let’s just say the author takes a tired paranormal/Sci-fi premise and makes it thrilling and even fun. I loved the humor too. There’s alot to love about Wolf Mark.</br></br>

I recommend this book to those who crave more multicultural fantasies with characters that break out of the usual stereotypes. I can’t wait to read more from this publisher</br>