

Bath Time

By Lucy Malka
Illustrations by René King Moreno

Focus: Concepts of Print and Reading Strategies

  • one-to-one matching
  • reading a patterned sentence
  • sequencing
  • using an exclamation point

Supportive Text Features

  • familiar words and concept
  • patterned sentence
  • strong picture/text match

High-frequency Words: I, my, in, the

Getting Ready to Read
1. Introduce the concept and vocabulary by asking open-ended questions:

  • Tell me how children get ready to take a bath.
  • Tell me some things children take into the bathtub with them.
  • What toys might a child bring into the bathtub?

2. Connect children’s past experiences with the book vocabulary:

  • Hold the book. Call children’s attention to the title. Read: “Bath Time.”
  • Have them predict what might happen in the story and suggest some story words.
  • Give children the book and have them look at the pictures.
  • Ask them what the boy put into the bathtub.
  1. Remind children of the strategies they know and can use with unfamiliar words:
    • Ask them, “What will you do if you come to a word you don’t know?”
    • Encourage children to look at the pictures and the beginning sound of the word.
  2. Be aware of the following text features:
    • The book contains familiar words: ball, duck, pail, shovel, boat, dog.
    •  There is a patterned sentence: “I put my boat in the tub.”
    • Only one word changes on each page.
    • The last sentences of the book is a response and conclusion to the story: “Oh no!”   

Reading the Book
1. Set a purpose by telling children to read about how the boy got ready for his bath.

  1. Have children read quietly, but out loud. Each child should be reading at his or her own pace. Children should not read in chorus. Listen to children as they read by leaning close or bending down beside each child.

  2. Look for these reading behaviors during the first reading:
    • Do the words they say match the printed words in the book? (voice to print match)
    • Do they look at the pictures before they read the text or after they read?
    • What do they do if they encounter an unfamiliar word? (appeal to you, try a strategy)
    • Do their eyes go up to the picture before reading the new word in the pattern?
    • Are they saying the initial sounds of words before saying the whole word?
    • Are they saying the individual letter sounds /d/ - /u/ - /c/ - /k/ or blending the sounds?
    • Do they reread if they come to an unfamiliar or unknown word?
    • Have they self-corrected any mistakes?
    • Do they use the question mark to affect how they read the sentences?
    • Is there any inflection or speech-like sound to their reading?
    • Have they responded with a laugh or other sound as they read the text?
    • Do they make comments as they read?
  3. As children read, suggest a reading strategy if they are struggling: “Try looking at the picture to make sense of the print.” Encourage children to take a guess or use the beginning letter sound.

  4. Possible teaching points to address based on your observations:
    • Use the period at the end of the sentence as a place to stop (pause).
    • Read words followed by an exclamation point differently than those sentences that end with a period.
    • Use beginning sounds in combination with the pictures to unlock new words.
    • Review the /sh/ sound in the word “shovel.”
    • Reread a sentence if it doesn’t make sense or sound right.
    • Call attention to the high-frequency words children read.

After the First Reading
1. Have children retell the story in their own words. They will be making inferences and drawing conclusions based on the pictures and the words read.

  1. Call children’s attention to page 7 and have them generate some words or sentences the dad might say.

  2. Model and practice how the boy and dad might say the last line of the story.

  3. Discuss what objects might cause trouble if taken into the bathtub.

  4. Have children retell the story they way the boy would tell it to his mom.

Second Reading
1. Have children reread the book in a whisper voice or to a partner.

  1. This is a time for assessment. While they are reading, watch what children do and what they use from the teaching time. Alternatively, you might take a running record on one student as an assessment of the student’s reading behavior.
    Cross-Curricular Activities
    Music: Sing songs that children hear in the bathtub: “Rubber Ducky,” “This is the Way We Wash Our . . .” or “Row, Row, Row Your Boat.”   
    Art: Help children fold a piece of drawing paper in half. Have them draw toys they should place in the bath on one side of the paper and toys they shouldn’t place in the bath on the other side.
    Math: Have children organize or sort the objects the boy put into the bathtub by size. Label each toy by size: small, large, medium, big, little, etc.   

Science: Give children a tub of water and a collection of toys. Let them predict which will float. Then have them experiment to find out which sink or float. Record the predictions and findings on a chart.

Social Studies: Brainstorm a set of rules for bath time. Discuss why we have rules.
Writing: Children draw a picture of a child taking a bath and then write a sentence or story describing the picture. As an alternative, children might draw themselves taking a bath with their favorite water toys.   


Guided Reading™: C        DRA: 3        Reading Recovery®: 3

The book introduction and guided reading lesson follow the outline for the English edition. Children need exactly the same support and strategy instruction as their English-speaking classmates.

Be aware that many children speak dialects or may mix Spanish and English. During the introduction, help children understand that “book language” does not always match the words we use every day. For this story make sure children know: pelota, patito, cubo, pala, barquito.

If children have difficulty with concepts or words in the story, see the article “Guided Reading with Emergent Readers” for suggestions.

Phonics Supplement


About This Title

Guided Reading:




Interest Level:

Grades PreK - 1

Reading Level:

Grades K - 1


Animal/Biodiversity/Plant Adaptations, Latino/Hispanic/Mexican Interest, Games/Toys, Childhood Experiences and Memories, Beginning Concepts, Realistic Fiction, Water


Early Emergent Dual Language, Early Emergent English , Bebop English Guided Reading Level C, Bebop Latin American English Grades PreK-2, Bebop Realistic Fiction Collection Grades PreK-2, Dual Language Levels A-C Collection, Latin American Collection English 6PK, Reading Recovery Bebop Books collection, Bebop English Fiction, Infant Toddler Emotional Interactions

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